Would you believe this was me three years ago with my very first bag of zinnia seeds? It’s true! 🤗
I was searching for an easy way to grow beautiful flowers, and I never in my wildest dreams would’ve thought that this bag of @earthscienceco zinnia seeds would bring me so much joy over the past few years!
This is a great bag to start with or to use year after year like me!
Also, I do plan on trying a lot of fun new ones this year as well. Which is pushing me out of my comfort zone a bit…what if they don’t work? I guess all I can do is try, right?!☺️
If you want me to send you my seed list along with a link to this bag, comment “seeds24” and I’ll send it your way!☺️🌸
I’m in zone 5b and counting down the days until I can plant my zinnia seeds. Just one more month!
zinniaseeds lazygirlsgardenclub plantingflowerseeds seedstoflowers cutflowergarden cutflowergardening zinnias