We designed the girls bathroom around this Anthropology wallpaper that I fell in love with! We had our custom cabinets painted to match with Sherrwin Williams “cosmetic peach”. I love how the gold hardware pops on this color! Does anyone else love the fact that wallpaper is coming back in? http://liketk.it/3gPjW liketkit @liketoknow.it LTKhome Follow me on the LIKEtoKNOW.it shopping app to get the product details for this look and others homebuilding farmhouse custombuild modernfarmhouse farmhouseplans decorcrushing blackandwhitefarmhouse whitefarmhouse interiordesign bohofarmhouse farmhousestyle blackwindows fixxerupperstyle moderndesign instahome modernfurniture primrosemirror anthropologiestyle anthropologiewallpaper paintedcabinets cosmeticpeach pinkcabinets coralcabinets pinkbathroom accentwall wallpaper tilefloor