when the tile quite literally inspires the whole design 🥹 We partnered with @bedrosianstile to make this spanish design inspired bathroom come to life! Sharing all the exact tiles we used below: - Palazzo 12”x12” Decorative Tile in Vintage Grey Dynasty - Celine 4”x4” Glossy Porcelain Floor & Wall Tile in White - Celine 0.5”x8” Glossy Porcelain Jolly Trim in White - Celine 4”x4” Matte Porcelain Floor & Wall Tile in Cotto - Celine 0.5”x8” Matte Porcelain Jolly Trim in Cotton 👉🏽Every product is linked on my LTK (including every single thing we used to remodel the bathroom: water proofing, shower fixtures, etc) Comment TILE below and I’ll send you a DM with the links for the tile and our bathroom sources! You can also find everything in my LTK ♥️ bathroomremodel smallbathroom diybathroom bedrosianstile bedrosianstilepartner tilestyle LTKVideo LTKFindsUnder100 LTKHome