fast + easier than a curling iron! Steps below 👇 1. Prime your hair- I’m using Oribe detangling primer 2. Blow dry hair- I’m using LangeHair blow dry brush! 3. Separate your hair into sections & slide small pieces of hair in a circular motion around the flatiron. At the end of the curl pull straight down to finish the wave 4. After all sections are curled, go back in and “crimp” any out of place pieces. Up and down motion with the stray hairs 5. Brush out curls with a comb + shake them out! I love TangleTeezer 6. Spray with hairspray - I’m using Oribe finishing hairspray! shorthairstyles 90sbob easyhairstyles curlingshorthair bobhairstyles hairtutorial LTKVideo LTKstyletip LTKbeauty