Winter Wheels ✌🏻❤️🏍 Quick trike review! Nate got his for his birthday 4 months ago & it’s easily become one of his favorite things 😍 We use it daily for neighborhood walks & I like how it allows Nate to see more & be involved in his surroundings (vs being constrained in his stroller), while I still have full control 👍🏻 Eventually we'll be able to remove the parent push bar & Nate will be able to pedal himself-- so it's a great product if you're looking for something that can grow with your child 🙌🏻 My one small complaint is the steering-- it's slightly clunky, which isn't a big deal for us since our walks are straight & smooth, but it wouldn't ideal if you're walking somewhere with lots of hills & turns. Other than that we love it & would definitely recommend! 🙌🏻 // I linked Nate’s trike & outfit on the @shop.ltk app here:
LTKbaby LTKkids