🪩CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR’S EVE ACCESSORIES: Julie Vos Holiday collection alert! 🗣️I posted this in my insta stories last week and you all loved it! Thank you for all of your orders! 🎉If you want luxury and statement pieces of jewelry to add to your winter wardrobe, look no further than this iridescent raspberry Julie Vos jewelry. OBSESSED! 😍 You will be able to wear this color all year long! In love with this color. 🩷JEWELRY: @julievos Bracelet, cuff, earrings, necklace, ring 👉🏼Follow my shop @jtstjtst11 on the @shop.LTK app to shop this post and get my exclusive app-only content! liketkit @shop.ltk julievos julievosjewelry julievosholiday julievoscuff armparty armcandy luxuryjewelry christmasgiftideas christmasjewelry christmasoutfit newyearseve newyearseveoutfit newyearseveparty newyearsevejewelry nyeparty LTK pinkchristmas southerncharm southernlivingmag southernliving preppystyle rewardstyleblogger tampablogger stpeteblogger @jtstjtst11 LTKSeasonal LTKWedding LTKStyleTip LTKParties LTKOver40 LTKTravel LTKWatchNow LTKU LTKSwim LTKHoliday LTKGiftGuide