Welcoming my newest addition to the PANTRY! Our shelves are just a bit too high for me to reach the top. I fell in love with the design + style of this sweet step stool 🤍 I knew this was the one I wanted and I think it sits perfectly in this corner while waiting to be used. The best news is I can finally reach the top and YOU can purchase one for yourself & get an additional 20% OFF with code NEWLEAF at checkout. Follow me on the LIKEtoKNOW.it shopping App to get the product details for this look and others . . . . . . . shakercabinets pantry interiordesign hgtv mybhg modernfarmhouse instahome mypotterybarn homeimprovement countrylivingmag bohofarmhouse rshome inspire_me_home_decor fixerupperstyle jsfarmhousereno homedesign modernfarmhouse Ltkhome farmhouseinspired newhomedesign bhghome newhomeconstruction realsimple myslphoto serenaandlily swcolorlove swpurewhite http://liketk.it/3aCkz liketkit @liketoknow.it