Happy Good Friday ✝️ Obsessed over my puffed sleeved pink floral dress. I feel like it’s hitting all the Easter vibes. We are in Bend, visiting my parents for the weekend. (they are fully 💉 vaccinated) I think we are going to decorate Easter eggs 🥚 today. We hard boiled a ton last night. We are planning a Easter egg hunt on Sunday at the Park for my sweet nieces + nephew. My Mom is planning on making deviled eggs with the hard boiled and we will fill plastic eggs for the hunt. I’m soaking in all the joys of Easter. Do you color Easter eggs? Have you already colored yours? . . . . . easter chartreaterie easterdecor eastertreats eastercandy grazingplatter grazingboard candyboard candytreats spring2021 springideas easterideas eastercookies peeps easterinspiration johnstonstyle kitchen eastereggs deviledeggs LTKfamily LTKhome http://liketk.it/3bW3O liketkit @liketoknow.it