“Trick or Treat smell my feet give me something good to eat” I’ve always wanted to say that 🤣 Trick or Treating is approaching and I’ve been already dipping into the Halloween Candy. {💯Grand bars} I’ve also been watching the Hallmark Channel, I’m getting ready for Christmas vibes but I really need some good recommendations for Halloween movie favorites?! I love Hocus Pocus 🔮🧙🏻 Please share your favorite movie below so I can finish my week off strong, then I’ll go back to Hallmark everything! . . . . . interiordesign hgtv mybhg modernfarmhouse instahome homeimprovement countrylivingmag bohofarmhouse rshome targetstyle inspire_me_home_decor homegoodshappy fixerupperstyle jsfarmhousereno homedesign modernfarmhouse Ltkhome farmhouseinspired newhomedesign bhghome newhomeconstruction realsimple LTKhome