Nordstrom Black Friday baby & kids gear Sale Finds! • Babyzen YOYO stroller bundle with frame and color pack - such a great compact travel stroller that we’ve used for 6 years now. • Stokke high chair - grows with your baby and can be used in adulthood too. • SlumberPod Sleep Tent & Portable Fan Set - we used this daily when room sharing in our small condo and on vacations. • Cybex Gazelle single to double stroller - search my blog for the words “double stroller” to read my review on this! We use ours daily. An excellent underrated stroller that converts from single to double and comes with all the converters you need, and compatible with Nuna infant car seats @nordstrom NordstromPartner Holiday gift ideas, kids travel, holiday finds LTKBaby LTKKids LTKCyberWeek