Get holiday party ready with @maelys_cosmetics MaelysCosmeticsgiftedme 😍 I’m using the Get-Peachy Booty scrub (so exfoliating & leaves your booty silky smooth!), Get-Cheeky Cellulite Oil (reduces appearance of cellulite & dimples and so moisturizing!), & B-Glowy Brightening Body Serum (Reduces dark spots & skin discolorations - leaves a beautiful glow!!). Love that their products are cruelty free 🐰 & made in the USA!! . . . . . giftsforfriends bodycare bodycareproducts bodycaretips giftsforall beautygiftguide carebody cosmetics crueltyfree exfoliate faceandbodycare glowingskin giftguide healthyskin giftguides naturalskincare giftsforher selfcarethreads sheabutter skin skincareaddict skincareproducts skincareroutine skincaretips spa beautygifts LTKGiftGuide LTKunder50 LTKbeauty