Good morning friends. 🙏🏼 Last night was a tough one I could barely sleep. Sometimes people have a way with words that can strike a core and it can either make you or break you! Well that call came, and it made me second guess myself but only for a short min. Are you going to be able to handle it?? YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT! I’ve been broken, I’ve been knocked down & defeated, I felt the pain that most couldn’t handle. Because I look fear straight in the face year after year. Day after day. But I never run I never hide and I will always find a way to get back up and fight!! You can’t break me I’m a fucking warrior and when I’m done you will be asking me how are you so strong!!! Today’s mantra: Your not a victim your a survivor so fight for your rights because no one else will fight the way you will! 💪 liketkit LTKhome LTKsalealert LTKunder100