Difference between Walmart+ and Walmart+ InHome Walmart+ InHome is an ADD-ON to your Walmart+ membership, giving you all the same perks as the traditional Walmart+ membership, but with 2 game changing benefits. 1. In home delivery - yes that's right, your groceries are brought into your home and put away in your fridge by a vetted, background checked Walmart Associate. That way your perishables aren’t left on your doorstep (within the app you can customize exactly where you want your stuff delivered. In your garage vs. in your kitchen). Most of the time you end up getting the same Walmart Associate who will become like family. 2. Free delivery & Tips Included. Yes! If you currently have Walmart+ you can add-on InHome for $40 a year which covers all of your tips for the entire year. No additional fees or tips. (New members its $138 a year/19.95 a month for Walmart+ InHome) If you are used to tipping $10 a week for your grocery order, that’s $520 a year in just tips. Now with InHome you will only be paying $40 a year! *$35 order minimum. See terms for restrictions. walmartpartner WalmartPlus @Walmart