Hello friends! Here’s my tip of the day! Adding wreaths to your barstools or chairs in your kitchen is an easy way to add seasonal decor. I’m always on the hunt for the perfect wreath to add to my barstools. The upside is that it makes a big statement but the down side is that I have to buy four of them😂! I’ve linked some of my favorite affordable wreaths that are perfect for hanging anywhere in your home. I try to use the smaller sizes for the the barstools and the larger sizes work great for your doors or a wall. Head to my blog for the sources and some other fall decor ideas! Click the link in my profile👉🏻 or go to www.homewithhollyj.com. I’ll also put the link in my stories/highlights for you! Happy Tuesday! . http://liketk.it/2XCq3 @liketoknow.it @liketoknow.it.home liketkit LTKhome LTKsalealert LTKunder50 You can instantly shop all of my looks by following me on the LIKEtoKNOW.it shopping app. . . . barstools barstool chairsofinstagram wreathsofinstagram wreaths fallwreath fallwreaths kitchenisland kitchendecoration kitchensofinstagram kitcheninspo kitcheninspiration kitchensofinsta kitchenstyle farmhousekitchen farmhousekitchendecor frenchcountrydecor inspiremehomedecor falldecorstyling falldecorating falldecor