I have been cooking a lot more with trying to eat healthier, which means I have been spending a lot more time in my kitchen. My new @ruggable rug truly makes a welcoming statement for this space and the non-slip, cushioned Ruggable Pad makes it SO comfortable to stand on while cooking and doing the dishes! The best part though? I don’t have to worry about making a mess! Ruggable rugs are the easiest + most convenient to clean since they are machine washable! I chose the 2.5’x10’ size Kamran Hazel Rug because I wanted a larger runner with neutral, warm tones that also had a vintage feel to it. Perfect for any space, right?! Shop this rug + hundreds of other designs and sizes at @ruggable. Use code FUNHORTON10 for 10% off your entire order now through March 8th! ruggablepartner You can instantly shop all of my looks by following me on the LIKEtoKNOW.it shopping app http://liketk.it/38EqN @liketoknow.it liketkit @liketoknow.it.home StayHomeWithLTK LTKhome LTKsalealert