Happy Sunday! Sharing a peak at my mom’s living room today because her and my brother are coming to visit! 🎉 Does your family live far or near? We have a mix! • Also I’m still loving on these summer colors and every fall post I see makes me cringe just a little. Fall is my favorite season but I’m not sure I’m ready yet! . . . . http://liketk.it/2EeLp liketkit @liketoknow.it @liketoknow.it.home LTKhome alltheneutralfeels houzz southernliving mybhghome interiordesign bhghome decorandfriends lzbdesign macyslove prettyandoverlooked homebykmb transitionalspaces coastalfarmhouse ighome howihaven modernfarmhouse modernfarmhousestyle doingneutralright lightandbright transitionalstyle livingroomdecor mydecorlove thewelldressedhouse homedecor homeinspo smmakelifebeautiful makehomeyours