Do you guys shop at Kirkland’s? I never really had until my mom told me she got this lamp there! Then, I spent almost all of last night online shopping their site! 🙈 • My husband saw the bill and said uh, what is Kirkland’s and why did you spend a bunch of money there? 😂 • Sharing this lamp and some other @kirklands lamps in today! liketkit LTKhome . . . . myhomeobsessionthisweek kirklands go finding potterybarn hobbylobbyfinds homegoods homebykmb prettyandoverlooked interiordesign bhghome mydomaine makehomeyours thewelldressedhouse makinghousehome myhousebeautiful homedecor homeinspo showmeyourstyled mynesthome inspire_me_home_decor homedecor coastaldecor lovefornewdecor entryway consoletable foyer consoletabledecor