I’m not going to lie, the first time I saw these lemons I couldn’t tell if they were real or fake! I actually had to go pick one up to see! • I’m all about artificial decor. There is something special about live and fresh flowers, plants, and fruit but it can really add up 💵 and can be a lot of work to keep everything alive! • Are you team real or fake? . . . . http://liketk.it/2DOMY liketkit @liketoknow.it @liketoknow.it.home LTKhome hobbylobbyfinds kirklands pier1love showoffyourdecorstyle makehomeyours mystylishspace howihaven howyouhome pocketofmyhome bhghome myinteriorsquares homeinspo mydecorlove mydomaine cornerofmyhome simplehomestyle stopandstaredecor mybhghome prettylittleinteriors mynesthome myhomeobsessionthisweek homebykmb prettyandoverlooked interiordesign thewelldressedhouse makinghousehome myhousebeautiful showmeyourstyled