Currently working on my entryway decor so thought I would show off my mom’s! Our entryway has been a bit of a challenge for me, so I have spent hours on Pinterest searching for inspiration. What area in your house has been a challenge for you to decorate? I’m curious! . . . . liketkit LTKhome showoffyourdecorstyle makehomeyours mystylishspace howihaven howyouhome pocketofmyhome bhghome myinteriorsquares homeinspo inspire_me_home_decor mydomaine cornerofmyhome simplehomestyle stopandstaredecor mybhghome prettylittleinteriors mynesthome myhomeobsessionthisweek homebykmb prettyandoverlooked interiordesign thewelldressedhouse makinghousehome myhousebeautiful showmeyourstyled potterybarn Kirklands mydecorlove