liketkit Ad BacktoSchool looks a little ... ok a LOT different this year, but we’re determined to make the best of the situation. We still don’t have a finalized plan for return, but it’s looking like it will be a 1 week in school followed by 2 weeks of remote learning situation. WHAT IS YOUR SCHOOL’S PLAN? I’d love to hear it. Whether we go back or not, I’m taking the opportunity to go through the kids clothes and stock up on basics. This year I got everything from @WalmartFashion. From sportswear (that both the kids and I can get behind), to the perfect $12 jeans for girls, I was super impressed with Walmart’s selection and quality. Check out my stories 👆🏼 for the links to all the basics I grabbed and click the link in my profile for all my top picks summarized in a blog post. Learn more about @Walmart’s products via