If you HAD to pick, are you more of an NSale girl or Prime Day girly??? After years of intense research, I have come to the conclusion that I am very much a Prime Day girl!! I’ll be honest, I was so excited to wake up this morning and FINALLY snag all the things I’ve had my eye on for a while, including a Ninja Creami!! Let me know which sale you get more jazzed for and comment the best thing you’ve snagged from either sale! . . . nsale primeday sale salesalesale sales onlineshopping summershopping summersale salealert whatibought deals dealsandsteals midiskirt poloshirt amazonfinds amazonfashion amazondeals amazonprime midsizestyle midsizestyle midsizegals howtowear howtowearit howtostyle LTKSaleAlert LTKFindsUnder100 LTKMidsize