All things French 🇫🇷 AD @frenchkandejewelry pearl medallion necklace & earrings are the base for a meaningful piece I’m creating with French Kande. Each medallion has a different meaning so you can create something really personal to you. This Cuvee B medallion is a celebration of Joseph Perrier Champagne (you know how much I love champagne @thesaberbae ) stacked with a French Kiss pendant. The custom of placing an X on envelopes represented sincerity, faith & honesty. It was then sealed with a kiss by the signer. The letters are from the St. Benedict cross & represent the prayer ‘peace among all nations of the world.’ Which is pretty apt for a pageant queen. frenchkande frenchaesthetic frenchjewelry handmade jewlery frenchstyle vintagejewelry pearls alafrancaise pearlchoker pearlnecklace medallionnecklace stbenedict LTKstyletip LTKeurope LTKwedding