Another before and after of the coffee bar, because it looks happy and bright and like spring, and I need that on these very snowy, cold days. 🌱 Do you decorate for spring? I basically find anything pink or green and display it, because those are the colors I want to see right now! 💕 And with that I’m calling it quits and snuggling down on the couch to watch “That Darn Cat” with the kids. Have you seen it? A 1965 classic. It kind of reminds me of our cat Missy. (She’s in my IG stories daily.) I’ve had several of my neighbors say she’s gone into their houses. Even slept on their beds and jumped on their counters! She thinks she’s queen of the neighborhood. 🐱 😂 Shop your screenshot of this pic with the shopping app liketkit StayHomeWithLTK LTKhome