Happy First Day of March, sweet friends!! 🍀✨ Thanking Jesus for the gift of life and love this past “love month,” and filled with lots of joy and excitement for this new month of March (our anniversary month 🎊 & the start to spring 💐)!! 🌷✨ hellomarch With the daffodils 🌼 all around and the start of fresh blooms popping up on all of the trees and bushes on our neighborhood walks 🌸🌺, it is such a special time of year as we anticipate and look forward to spring just around the corner and lots of exciting things ahead for our little family!! 🏡💫 springiscoming There is just something about that “spring is in the air” feeling 🪷🪴… and I am loving spending so much time with my boys out in God’s beautiful Creation this time of year to welcome spring on in!! ☀️☘️ God’s beauty and joy is alllll around us sweet friends - it truly is the little things in life that, I believe, He really wants us to take the time to notice and enjoy!! Reminders of his love, goodness, and faithfulness - right before our very eyes… if we choose to look for it!! 🌞🌿 thelittlethingsinlife And if you haven’t already, you can go check out my whole blog post up over on the @emilymabrycreative blog (link in bio) 👼🏼!! I loved getting to recap such a fun past “love month” as well as our recent Disney trip 🏰🪄 - and just an overflow of gratitude for the Lord’s goodness and kindness to our little family!! Hope y’all have a wonderful start to March and have been enjoying this gorgeous “spring is in the air” weather!! 🥰🫶🏽 springisintheair … emilysayswes judsoncarpentermabry twentyonemonthsold twentyonemonthold twentyonemontholdbaby twentyonemontholdbabyboy judsonmonthbymonth sweetjudson oursweetboy oneyearold oneyearoldbaby oneyearoldbabyboy oneyearoldboy gratefulmotherhood motherhoodblog motherhoodblogger mommyblogger hellomarch marchmemories thesearethedays liketkit LTKfamily LTKbaby LTKhome @shop.ltk