Only 6️⃣ more sleeps until Christmas 🎄and we are soaking in all the slow cozy December days 🕯️, country Christmas traditions 🐴🌾, and holiday 🎅🏻 magic 🪄 around here with our sweet and snuggly 🥰 little Santa baby 👶🏼 here in our arms!! 🤱🎁 Happy “Friday Eve” and almost start to the weekend before Christmas, friends!!🕯️♥️🌟 🎠🛷✨🦌📚 fridayevephotodump lifelately camerarollfromtheweek cozychristmasdays babysfirstchristmas themostwonderfultimeoftheyear firstchristmasasafamilyoffour oursantababies christmascuties santababies santacuties stayathomemama mamaoftwo | Motherhood | Country Living | Homemaker | Stay at Home Mom | Chasing Dreams | Land and Babies | Raising Country Boys | Farm Sweet Farm | Joyful Motherhood | Faith | Newborn and Toddler Days | Boy Mama x 2 | First Holiday Season as a Family of Four | Holiday Season Fun | Holiday Season with Littles | Christmas with Littles | Baby’s First Christmas | First Christmas as a Family of Four | Christmas Traditions | Christmas Joy | Christmas with a New Baby … emilysayswes judsoncarpentermabry levirhettmabry mommyblogger twounderthree newbornandtoddlerdays boymamax2 sahm joyfulmotherhood stayathomemom fullhandsfullerhearts babysfirstchristmasseason christmaswithanewbaby LTKHoliday LTKfamily LTKBaby @shop.ltk LTKBaby LTKFamily LTKHoliday