Our sweet Judson is 14 months old today, and y’all, it just keeps on getting sweeter and sweeter! 👼🏼🤍 // new blog post up on the Emilymabrycreative blog {link in bio} 💫 This has been one exciting and fun-filled month for our little family – as we got to celebrate the 4th of July 🇺🇸 down at the beach for vacation AND our sweet boy took his very first steps on the beach 👣 … and has been walking non-stop ever since lol!! Judson is a summer baby through and through – and is almost always in a diaper and barefoot… and it just doesn’t get much cuter than that! It is very fitting that he started walking down at the beach 🏝 – like we say, “walking on sunshine” hehe!☀️ He loves to be outside (he is constantly pointing to the door to go “play”) and absolutely LOVES to play with his water table (or water of any kind…our little water baby)!!💦 He and Red are the best of friends and doubletrouble in our household – as Judson likes to share his food from his highchair with Red and constantly chase each other around the house (and Red is just so sweet and gentle with him… it is just adorable, y’all)!! 🐶 It is such a joy getting to explore the world through Judson’s little eyes – and we could not be more thankful that the Lord has entrusted this joyful, silly, strong, smiley, puppy-loving, cuddly, easygoing, giggly, and loving boy to us!! 🥺 He loves to wave at everyone he meets, dance (with his "praise hands" hehe) whenever he hears worship music or music 🎶 of any kind, loves to cuddle🥰"mama" and "dada," and just simply loves LIFE!🤗 From fireworks 🎇 to sunset chasing 🌅, to multiple rainbow spottings 🌈(at the beach and back home here in Spartanburg), to our baby starting to walk 🦶, to splash pads 💧, storytime at the local library 📚, Judson’s first dentist appointment 🦷, and all kinds of happy little moments – we have truly been making and soaking in the most precious summer memories as a little family! 🌞 I am grateful for the big and small moments – and everyone in between – and view them all as such gifts from the Lord – to never be taken for granted!! 🙏🏽 LTKfamily LTKbaby LTKtravel