‘Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; the stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there... 🎅🏽✨ Merriest Christmas Eve from our little family to yours!! 🎄♥️ And happy birthday Eve, Jesus!! 🙏🏽✨ We started off this Christmas Eve morning staying cozy in our jammies & doing a little Christmas baking 👨🍳🍪🫶🏽🍞🥣♥️😋 before heading to the beautiful Christmas Eve candlelight service at our church 🕯️🎶 - “The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through him…” // John 1:9-10 🫶🏽✨ We then spent the evening having a blast with @wesmabry ‘s side of the family 🥰🎁 and came back after a super fun (& late!!) night to put out our “reindoor food” 🦌😉 (one of my favorite traditions as a child that I now get to do with Judson 🥹), put out cookies for Santa 🎅🏽, light the fireplace 🔥, read out Christmas stories by the tree 🎄, tucked our little angel in for bed 😴, and now it’s “Santa’s Workshop” for Mr. Claus hehe 🤪 What a special Christmas Eve!! 🕯️♥️ This has been such a sweet Christmas season with our little Judson at the most precious age - and I can’t wait to see the JOY on his face when he wakes up in the morning to see what Santa brought!! 👼🏼🌟 There truly is nothing sweeter than experiencing this wonderful time of year through the eyes of a child!! 🥺🎄merrychristmastoallandtoallagoodnight … judsoncarpentermabry emilysayswes sweetbabyjudson 18monthold 18montholdbaby christmastraditions merrychristmaseve christmaseve christmasevelove christmascards christmascardseason tistheseason mostwonderfultimeoftheyear merrychristmaseve christmaseve christmasevenight twasthenightbeforechristmas twasthenightbefore merrychristmaseve happychristmaseve christmaslights christmaslightseverywhere twinklylights christmasevefun nightbeforechristmas LTKfamily LTKSeasonal LTKHoliday