Spring is “in the air” and we are loving seeing the azaleas just starting to bloom all around our little home sweet home bloom one last time!! What a sweet gift from Jesus as we soak up these final memories in our sweet little fixer upper!! 🏡🌸 “He has made everything beautiful in it’s time…” // Ecclesiastes 3:11 🌺🌱 Just really grateful for this sweet adventure called life with my favorite boys!! From azaleas blooming 💐🪴, to @wesmabry getting to take his old red truck 🛻♥️ to a car show hosted by some of his best buddies at the @eatdrinkflock last night, and getting invited to take Judson to the “grand opening” of a brand new “Book Nook” exhibit 📚📖 at the @tcmupstate - it sure has been a sweet and memorable week!! Happy Friday y’all! 🥰🫶🏽 … emilysayswes judsoncarpentermabry twentyonemonthsold twentyonemonthold twentyonemontholdbaby twentyonemontholdbabyboy judsonmonthbymonth sweetjudson oursweetboy oneyearold oneyearoldbaby oneyearoldbabyboy oneyearoldboy gratefulmotherhood motherhoodblog motherhoodblogger mommyblogger hellomarch marchmemories thesearethedays liketkit LTKfamily LTKbaby LTKSpring @shop.ltk