I can’t believe that today marks FOUR whole years since I took the biggest leap of faith and started @emilymabrycreative ... and y’all, it is so incredibly humbling to have so many of y’all following along over on that special creative page where I get to share so much of my heart and passion!! 🎨✨ I love getting to share this story every year… but truly, starting this lettering art business the week after our honeymoon and watching it blossom right before my eyes has been humbling and amazing all at the same time, & God gets ALL the glory! Never in my wildest dreams did I see it turning into what it is now. It is such a fun creative outlet for me to share my love of creativity & lettering art, while also a place for me to share the light, love, beauty, & joy of the Lord with so so many! God gives us dreams for a reason, & it is so beautiful to watch them unfold as we trust Him and walk the path He has for us! And I don’t take for granted the GIFT it is that I get to run this special business from home with my sweet baby boy!! This business has continued to be such a blessing to our little family - as we follow God’s leading for us and all that He has called us to with ministry (@wesmabry ), parenthood, and chasing the dreams He has so clearly placed on our hearts! 🌈🌾🌿 I am so thankful for my “happy, uplifting, and joyful little corner of the internet,” as I’ve had lots of friends and customers refer to EMC as. But seriously, I so love getting to create happy and encouraging lettering art that sparks beauty and joy in the lives of others! My hope and prayer, now and always, is that EMC will be a welcoming and encouraging space that points people closer to Jesus - because I am simply a creative inspired by the true Creator, God! He is the one behind, before, and ahead of all I do and I am so grateful to get to steward this sweet business of mine for His glory alone! 🙏🏽🖌 LTKfamily LTKbump LTKbaby