Our sweet Judson got his very first haircut 💇♂️ today at @colonial_barber and he had the best time watching cartoons and eating his lollipop!! We sure do love our brave and handsome baby boy!! 👼🏼💈🫶🏽🤍 babysfirsthaircut PS. Mama got a haircut today as well - thanks to my girl, @heatherhuskinshair 💇🏼♀️- who has been doing my hair since college days!! It was a haircut day for mama AND baby lol 🥰!!! haircutday💈 babysfirsthaircut✂️ … judsoncarpentermabry fifteenmonthsold fifteenmonthold fifteenmontholdbaby fifteenmontholdboy judsonmonthbymonth sweetjudson oursweetboy oneyearold oneyearoldbaby oneyearoldbabyboy endofsummermemories gratefulmotherhood hellofall helloautumn septembermemories babysfirsthaircut✂️ LTKbeauty LTKbaby LTKfamily