The absolute SWEETEST Valentine’s weekend down at the beach with my boys!! And watch out Cupid 💘… our sweet and strong baby boy is officially ON THE MOVE (swipe over to see a video of him crawling 💨)!! And the funny part is… I had just told @wesmabry that I had a feeling Judson would start crawling while we were down at the beach… 🌊 and we both laughed out loud when we got home from dinner last night to look down and see him moving across the floor! Go little buddy go!! We are SO proud of you!! 🥳 We took lots of walks (& naps in the baby carrier 😴) on the beach, ate yummy seafood, saw the prettiest sunset last night, went swimming in the indoor pool, and just spent so much quality time together as a little family!! 💦 So thankful for so many sweet memories with both of my valentines this weekend! These truly are the days!! babysfirstvalentines ❣️ … judsoncarpentermabry emilysayswes sweetbabyjudson 8monthold 8montholdbaby hellofebruary babysfirstvalentinesday monthoflove valentinesweekend valentinesweekendgetaway northmyrtlebeach myvalentines myvalentineboys happyvalentinesweekend LTKbaby LTKtravel LTKfamily