9️⃣ whole months of sweet baby Judson – and it’s so neat to think that I have now officially known my sweet baby boy “on the outside” just as long as I got to pray over him growing “on the inside” during those 9 months of pregnancy! I know, I know, I know… I say this every month… but this month has been my favorite yet!! Every single day and month gets better and better with you, sweet baby J, and you truly are a dream come true! The most happy, joyful, chill, cuddly, giggly, and adorable little baby bear cub and it has been SO fun getting to see your personality shining through this month! // new blog post up over on the @emilymabrycreative blog (link in bio) 👼🏼 You are officially “on the move” and crawling all over the place - it is so fun getting to explore with you as you take in the big and exciting world around you! You are best friends with your puppy dog, Red, and love getting to crawl after him these days and share all of your toys (and food from your highchair hehe) – y’all are the best of friends and it is the sweetest thing ever! You love to clap and wave, and are talking all the time and said both “mama” and “dada” this month, and this mama’s heart just about melted! 🥺 We have had such a special month – full of lots of family walks, a trip to the beach for Valentine’s Weekend, and getting to celebrate baby Judson’s very first Valentine’s Day (he actually said “mama” for the first time on our way to our Valentine’s Dinner tradition at Waffle House – and it was the best valentine’s gift ever)! ♥️ 9 whole months of getting to love on and cuddle this precious angel baby boy of mine – thank you Lord!! Becoming a mommy is, hands down, the best thing that ever happened to me and watching my sweet hubby be the most supportive and hands-on daddy to baby Judson has just made me fall in love with him all the more… truly thesearethedays . LTKfamily LTKbaby LTKhome