And ended the day with even more giggles and silliness out on the dock as we watched the most GORGEOUS sunset 🌅🌾 God - you are GOOD!!! The heavens declare the glory of God - and tonight that scripture was just ringing through my mind 🥹 Thank you Jesus for my family, blessings, laughter, and your goodness!! 🌈🙌🏽 purejoy “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” // Psalm 19:1 🙏🏽🤍 … judsoncarpentermabry emilysayswes sweetbabyjudson thirteenmonthold thirteenmonthsold thirteenmontholdbaby sweetjudson oursweetboy oneyearold oneyearoldbaby hellosummer summertimememories sweetsummertime vacationtime vacationmemories beachvacation beachbabyforlife ourbeachbaby oakisland oakislandnc beachsunset beachsunsets LTKfamily LTKtravel LTKbaby