“When you wish upon a star…” 💫 We had THE most magical time at Disney World today - and truly soaked in every moment!! 🪄🐭🏰⭐️ Can’t wait to share more photos and videos - but man, nothing more precious than experiencing the magic of Disney through your baby’s eyes 🥹👼🏼🫶🏽 - I will never ever forget this day… memories for a lifetime!!! ✨ babysfirstdisneytrip memoriesforalifetime … emilysayswes judsoncarpentermabry twentymonthsold twentymonthold twentymontholdbaby twentymontholdbabyboy judsonmonthbymonth sweetjudson oursweetboy oneyearold oneyearoldbaby oneyearoldbabyboy oneyearoldboy gratefulmotherhood motherhoodblog motherhoodblogger mommyblogger februarymemories thesearethedays monthoflove disneytrip disneymemories disneymagic babysfirstdisney LTKfamily LTKbaby LTKtravel