It just doesn’t get sweeter than this - icecream outing🍦, Judson taking his first steps on the beach today (legit “walkin’ on sunshine” !!!) 👣, baby giggles 🥰, rainy day adventures 🌧, beach naps (lots of them hehe 😴), biscuits for breakfast 😋 (Judson is a big fan lol), bubbles on the dock 🫧, beach wagon riding 💨, and all the good things in life!! 🏖🥺🤍 Making the very sweetest beach memories with my boys this week and truly grateful beyond measure!! 🫶🏽🌊☀️ … judsoncarpentermabry emilysayswes sweetbabyjudson thirteenmonthold thirteenmonthsold thirteenmontholdbaby sweetjudson oursweetboy oneyearold oneyearoldbaby hellosummer summertimememories sweetsummertime vacationtime vacationmemories beachvacation beachbabyforlife ourbeachbaby oakisland oakislandnc babysfirststeps walkingonsunshine LTKbaby LTKtravel LTKfamily