Happiest of Valentine’s Day from our littlest love on his very first Valentine’s Day!! Got the sweetest valentines present EVER as sweet baby Judson said “mama” for me on our way to dinner tonight (➡️swipe over to see the video that melts my heart) 🥺! babysfirstvalentinesday monmyslittlevalentine 👼🏼❣️ Woke up to the sweetest surprises this morning from my forever valentine and had a special delivery of roses from my sweet valentines yesterday! 💝🌹And then we went to the @wafflehouseofficial for a fun little Valentine’s dinner, just like last year - and that may be one of my new favorite traditions! 🧇💖 This sure has been a special and memorable Valentine’s Day - and by far my favorite one yet!! Thank you Lord for blessing me with both of my cutie valentines - it sure is a gift to be loved by my sweet sweet boys!! 🥰💘 … emilysayswes happyvalentinesday forevervalentine judsoncarpentermabry sweetbabyjudson myvalentines valentinesday2022 8monthold 8montholdbaby hellofebruary babysfirstvalentinesday monthoflove myvalentines myvalentineboys babysaysmama mamasbaby mamasvalentine LTKBeMine LTKfamily LTKbaby