Our sweet Judson is 18 months old today, and we are cherishing this precious little age so much!! The past year and a half with our country and animal-lovin’ baby boy has been nothing short of magical, and truly have been the best days of our lives! 👼🏼🤍// new blog post up on the @emilymabrycreative blog {link in bio} ✨ I love being a mommy more than anything in the world, and never knew it was possible to love so deeply! It is such a JOY getting to wake up to see my baby boy’s smiling face every single morning, and such a reminder of the Lord’s goodness and faithfulness! I feel so blessed beyond words getting to love and be loved by my sweet boys, and there is nothing I love more than getting to raise the sweetest baby boy alongside my very best friend and love of my life… who just so happens to be the best “dada” ever!! 🫶🏽🥰 “I will praise you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done.” // Psalm 9:1 🤱🏼🙌🏽 Somehow, it truly does just keep on getting better and better – and it is such a gift getting to watch our baby boy explore the world and experience the magic and wonder of this time of year through his little eyes!! Judson is still the sweetest little cuddly baby bear (forever a mama’s boy, hehe) when it’s time for nursing, naps, or bedtime, and allllll boy when it’s time to play! He truly has the best little personality – so fun, curious, playful (always wants to be running around outside with his puppy bestie, Red!!), and yet so tender and sweet, too! He is such a gift from the Lord, and I absolutely cannot wait to see what God has in store ahead for his little life!! It is a gift getting to steward this precious blessing for God’s glory (especially during these teeny tiny years!!), and I pray that he grows up to love Jesus with his whole heart, mind, and soul! 💫🙏🏽 Thank you, Lord, for blessing us with the most joy-filled year and a half with our sweet little Judson! He radiates your light in the way that he simply loves life, and it is so much fun getting to cherish this wonderful time of year with him in my arms! 🎄♥️ LTKfamily LTKSeasonal LTKHoliday