Happy Fourth of July weekend from our little fam!! ❤️🤍💙 Just so stinkin’ grateful for these two and the sweetest beach memories 🌊🫶🏽🏖 - nothing quite like beach naps on daddy (& then some downtime to read while the baby naps 📖👼🏼😴), beach sandwiches 🥪 , baby pool fun 💦, time with “Auntie MoJo” (my sis, MJ) 🫶🏽, and ending the day watching fireworks over the ocean 🌊🎉 - Judson’s first time getting to watch them!!! babysfirstfireworks 💥🇺🇸 … judsoncarpentermabry emilysayswes sweetbabyjudson thirteenmonthold thirteenmonthsold thirteenmontholdbaby sweetjudson oursweetboy oneyearold oneyearoldbaby hellosummer summertimememories sweetsummertime vacationtime vacationmemories beachvacation beachbabyforlife ourbeachbaby oakislandnc babysfirstfireworkshow LTKbaby LTKfamily LTKtravel