The sweetest Valentine’s morning YET with both of my cutie valentines 💝💐💖 - full of happy cards 💌 (from both boys 🥹), heart shaped Chick-fil-A biscuits 😍, frosted coffee 😋, Valentines goodies 💋, red roses 🌹 and gifts 🎁 from my honey 🍯- I am one blessed mama!!! 💕 sweetestvalentinesdayyet Our day was full of all things love & sweetness - opening vday presents and cards 💌 (the biggest hit was the balloon 🎈, ofcourse!) 🎁, nap time snuggles with my little cuddle bug 🥰🐞, stealing kisses 😘💋 and shipping @emilymabrycreative orders with my little helper 🎨📬, our annual valentines dinner tradition at @wafflehouseofficial 🧇🍳, and night night valentines stories and giggles before bed 📖💖 - these are the memories I pray I will always remember!! Everything is more fun with our little Valentine baby boy - oh how we love you so!! 👼🏼💓 ourlittlevalentine … emilysayswes judsoncarpentermabry twentymonthsold twentymonthold twentymontholdbaby twentymontholdbabyboy judsonmonthbymonth sweetjudson oursweetboy oneyearold oneyearoldbaby oneyearoldbabyboy oneyearoldboy gratefulmotherhood motherhoodblog motherhoodblogger mommyblogger februarymemories thesearethedays monthoflove happyvalentinesday forevervalentine myvalentines valentinesday2023 liketkit LTKbaby LTKBeMine LTKfamily @shop.ltk