Disney world with our baby boy was everything I dreamed it would be… and then more!! 💫 From going on the sweetest little rides with the boys🎢, getting to see the Mickey parade 🎉, lots of little shows 🎶, nursing 🤱🏼 and napping my little love out by the water 😴, meeting lots of special Disney characters 🎈, getting the most precious silhouette 👤 painting done of Judson 👨🎨, seeing the castle and whole park sparkle ✨ as it got dark 🌙, and getting to end the night watching fireworks over the castle 🎆- it was such a full and magical day!!! Truly couldn’t have asked for more!! 🥹✨👼🏼🐭🤴🏰🪄🌟 dreamsdocometrue babysfirstdisneytrip … emilysayswes judsoncarpentermabry twentymonthsold twentymonthold twentymontholdbaby twentymontholdbabyboy judsonmonthbymonth sweetjudson oursweetboy oneyearold oneyearoldbaby oneyearoldbabyboy oneyearoldboy gratefulmotherhood motherhoodblog motherhoodblogger mommyblogger februarymemories thesearethedays disneytrip disneymemories disneymagic babysfirstdisney liketkit LTKfamily LTKbaby LTKtravel @shop.ltk