Scrub a dub dub 🧼, we’ve got a new lil’ baby 👶🏼 brother in the tub!!! 🛁🫧🤱🧽 babysfirstbath kitchensinkbathsarethebest
There’s just simply nothing sweeter than giving a baby his first sponge bath in the kitchen sink 🥰, and especially this time around getting to see our firstborn Judson be so involved and the BEST little helper!! 🫶🏽 He wanted to find Sweet Baby Levi Rhett a towel (and toys hehe 🤭) and is so gentle and protective of his baby brother!! 😭 Be still heart!! 🥹🤱🩵 bigbrotherjudson sweetbabylevirhett brotherlove
PS. Linked all of our newborn bath 🧼 essentials over on my LTKit shop 🛍️ (link in my bio 🔗!!) - including this adorable new @bloomingbath 🌸 that we are now obsessed with!! 🙌🏽 Perfect for a small kitchen sink and for these precious newborn days!! 👶🏼 newbornbath
LTKHome LTKFamily LTKBaby