After a vacation full of sweet beach memories with my family and seeing God’s glory in both beautiful sunrises and sunsets (and rainbows !!! 🌈🌈) over the marsh, my heart and cup is so so full!! 🌅🌊🌿 “From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.” // Psalm 113:3 🌞🙏🏽🙌🏽 Thank you, Lord, for your goodness and faithfulness! Resting and getting out in God’s beautiful creation is always so so good for the soul, and I am forever grateful for precious memories at our happy place in Oak Island, NC - all the baby beach naps, water and sand play, family time with my sisters and Judson’s cousins, fireworks over the ocean and marsh, icecream & donut outings, pool time, and just so many special moments - like our baby boy WALKING for the first time on this trip!! It truly was a Fourth of July to remember 🇺🇸 and I have been praising and thanking Jesus for it all!! What a vacation!! ☀️💥🏝 ❤️🤍💙 fourthofjulymemories afourthofjulytoremember … judsoncarpentermabry emilysayswes sweetbabyjudson thirteenmonthold thirteenmonthsold thirteenmontholdbaby sweetjudson oursweetboy oneyearold oneyearoldbaby hellosummer summertimememories sweetsummertime vacationtime vacationmemories beachvacation beachbabyforlife ourbeachbaby oakislandnc fourthofjulyweekend walkingbaby walkingbabyboy LTKfamily LTKbaby LTKtravel