🎶⚾️ Take me out to the ballllllllgame!” 🌭🥤 babysfirstbravesgame whatanight We had the very best time getting to take our all-American baby boy to the Braves game tonight (first time for both Judson AND mama 🤍)!! I am just so thankful for my baseball-lovin’ boys and getting to live out my boymama dreams hehe! 🫶🏽 Judson had a bigggg night and the time of his life - what a sweet memory for our family!! ⚾️🥰❤️ gobraves futurebravesplayer … emilysayswes judsoncarpentermabry twentytwomonthsold twentytwomonthold twentytwomontholdbaby twentytwomontholdbabyboy judsonmonthbymonth sweetjudson oursweetboy oneyearold oneyearoldbaby oneyearoldbabyboy gratefulmotherhood motherhoodblogger mommyblogger aprilmemories thesearethedays makingmemories bravesgameday bravesgame babysfirstbaseballgame liketkit LTKfamily LTKbaby LTKtravel


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