So in love with the most precious Christmas gift this year from my thoughtful husband 🥹 - stacking gold bracelets with a cross ✝️ and an emerald (Judson’s birth stone 💚) - so so special!! 🎁🫶🏽 These will be such beautiful daily reminders to me of what matters the most - my faith and my family! 🤍 As we head into the new year, my word for 2023 is “Savor,” and I find this so very fitting as my faith and my family are what I want to savor in this year ahead… making the most of every moment (and never taking a single one for granted because we are not promised tomorrow 🙏🏽) and soaking it all in during these precious little years with our baby boy!! 👼🏼Thank you, @wesmabry - you truly are the best thing and I adore you!! I love this little life that we are building together and am so excited to see what year 2023 holds ahead!! 😘😍 … emilysayswes judsoncarpentermabry thoughtfulchristmasgift faithandfamily wordforthenewyear savor savoreverymoment LTKHoliday LTKGiftGuide LTKSeasonal