This year’s annual Valentine’s Weekend beach trip was the sweetest yet, thanks to our cutie little valentine!! 🌊👼🏼❣️ So many sweet memories made - from baby Judson’s first time crawling, to swimming in the indoor pool, to lots of scenic walks on the beach, to morning snuggles, to chocolate-covered strawberries & valentines donuts, to beautiful sunsets, and more… these truly are the days we will always remember! Thank you Lord for blessing me with the sweetest valentines - this time of year, and all year long! Every breath and every moment is a gift, and we are soaking every one in! 🙏🏽🥰🤍 thesearedaysyouwillremember … judsoncarpentermabry emilysayswes sweetbabyjudson 8monthold 8montholdbaby hellofebruary babysfirstvalentinesday monthoflove valentinesweekend valentinesweekendgetaway northmyrtlebeach myvalentines myvalentineboys happyvalentinesweekend crawlingbaby babyonthemove babysfirstcrawl waterbaby northmyrtlebeach tilghmanresort LTKbaby LTKtravel LTKfamily