It’s been the merriest little start to christmas weekend around here 🎄🤱🎁👶🏼♥️🎅🏻🌟🦌🕯️hellochristmasweekend There is nothing like a quiet house with your morning coffee ☕️ by the glowing Christmas tree!! 🎄 Wes was off today 🤗 and it was the coziest little “Friday before Christmas” 🎅🏻 morning around the house 🏡 - look how cute last night’s craft 🎨👣 turned out, too!! 🦌🌟😍 And is there anything better than starting the Friday before Christmas off with some fresh pot pourri?! 🎄♥️🤩 Our house smells heavenly and like straight Christmas JOY y’all!! 🎁✨ This snuggly 😴 whittle Santa baby 🎅🏻👶🏼 is sweet as sugar 🥰😍 and I just wanna eat him right up!! 🤭✨ (p.s… linked our cozy jammies 🥰 over on my LTKit shop 🫶🏽🔗)!! Spent the rest of the morning fetching eggs 🥚from our ladies 🐓 and admiring the neatest little antique Christmas angel toy 🕯️🎄✨ that my sweet Uncle Edgar gave Judson the other day 🎊 - soooo magical!! 🎁🌟 christmassnuggles santababy babysfirstchristmas christmasmemories We had the best little time going to pick up some last special family Christmas gifts 🎁 (they even wrapped ✂️ them for us - so precious!! ✨), play at the playground 🛝, and take in the Christmas decor!! 🎅🏻 Judson loved the giant tree🎄all decorated for Christmas 😍 - this time of year truly is so magical!! Happy Christmas Weekend, friends!! ♥️🌟 themostwonderfultimeoftheyear firstchristmasasafamilyoffour oursantababies christmascuties santababies santacuties stayathomemama mamaoftwo | Motherhood | Country Living | Homemaker | Stay at Home Mom | Joyful Motherhood | Faith | Newborn and Toddler Days | Boy Mama x 2 | First Holiday Season as a Family of Four | Holiday Season Fun | Holiday Season with Littles | Christmas with Littles | Baby’s First Christmas | First Christmas as a Family of Four | Christmas Traditions | Christmas Joy | Christmas with a New Baby … emilysayswes judsoncarpentermabry levirhettmabry mommyblogger twounderthree newbornandtoddlerdays boymamax2 sahm joyfulmotherhood stayathomemom fullhandsfullerhearts LTKHoliday LTKFamily LTKBaby