1️⃣2️⃣ whole weeks with our cuddly and smiley little guy!! Judson, you have been such a sweet and easy baby and we are SO blessed by your precious little personality! I never knew it was possible to love this deeply, but the Lord truly has shown me a whole new kind of love through being your mommy - the best job in the whole wide world!! 🤱🏼💙 This has been a big week for us as I have officially come back from maternity leave over at @emilymabrycreative 👩🎨🎨 and I am so grateful to be able to do what I love while still getting to be home with my angel baby - such an answer to prayer!! 👼🏼 Every day just keeps getting sweeter and sweeter with you, sweet baby J, and we are so blessed that the Lord has entrusted us to be your parents!! We love you soooo much! 🙏🏽🥰 judsoncarpentermabry emilysayswes sweetbabyjudson 12weeksold 12weekoldbaby LTKfamily LTKbaby LTKhome