Our precious boy walked right into his 15-month-old appointment this morning and we couldn’t be more proud of the healthy, happy, strong, brave, and growing baby boy he is!!! So so so very much to be thankful for - today and everyday!! Being his parents is the absolute greatest gift (& so are those post-doctors-visit snuggles that I’ve been soaking in this afternoon - the very best 🥹🥰)!! 🩺👼🏼💙 15monthappointment thatsourboy … judsoncarpentermabry fifteenmonthsold fifteenmonthold fifteenmontholdbaby fifteenmontholdboy judsonmonthbymonth sweetjudson oursweetboy oneyearold oneyearoldbaby oneyearoldbabyboy endofsummermemories gratefulmotherhood hellofall helloautumn septembermemories fallmemories doctorsvisit LTKbaby LTKfamily LTKkids