In honor of the coco bear birthday I’ll share her beauty secrets!! Her face retinol and night cream (we both swear by) are PRICY. The retinol is on sale right now so I purchased hers already with her fave makeup items! She is at a 1.0 but if you are new to retinol you wanna start at .3 .. and work up to .5. The PTIOX is nuts!!!!! If it’s in stock _ buy it bc it’s never on sale. It’s a glass skin item! Her concealer shade is “silk” - same as mine. Her contour shade is 14.5 in foundation stick. Her lip combo is same as mine - what I always use! Her highlighter is the “opal pink” it’s NUTS! So good! The night cream has been a part of our birthday gifting for 7 years. Even my assistant who is young is using it bc it is GAME CHANGING. LTKGiftGuide LTKOver40 LTKBeauty