Just had a lunch date with my main man. He just got notice that they’re going to be going back to the office in person next month. I’ve enjoyed having him home and getting in these little dates. It’s the only time it’s just us anymore. I had to pop open the front door to shed some light into our dark entry so I could grab this photo. He yells out, “Uh… you know the front door is open, right? You’re letting all the store bought air out!” Some things are easier to do with no one else around 😆 Hope you all have a great weekend, and don’t forget to shut the front door. _______________ Entry console, lamps, mirror and table are all from @bassettfurniture Linking to a similar console since this one is discontinued and other decor in the @LIKEtoKNOW.it app here http://liketk.it/3eLlv @liketoknow.it @liketoknow.it.home liketkit LTKhome and in my profile link